perm filename TRACE.MAR[AM,DBL] blob sn#572319 filedate 1981-03-20 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
<CSD.LENAT>TRACE.MAR20.1 is now open.
"20-Mar-81 01:28:39"

				Starting EURISKO

Douglas B. Lenat
February, 1981

Fully Initialize?  (Y or N): N
 OK, just initializing the slot definitions. 

Ready to start? N
"Type (START) when you are ready."
←SET(Verbosity 23]
(Verbosity reset)

Task 1: Focusing on PerfSquare

Since PerfSquare has no known Examples, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 2: Working on the promising task (825 PerfSquare Examples ((To properly 
study PerfSquare we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept))
 ((CreditTo H7)))

Task 3: Working on the promising task (824 Square Applics ((Recent task was 
stymied for lack of such applics; namely, trying to find Examples of PerfSquare)
) ((CreditTo H10)))

Instantiated Square; found 200 Applics

Task 4: Working on the promising task (412 PerfSquare Examples ((Had to suspend 
whilst gathering Applics of Square) (To properly study PerfSquare we must gather
 empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo H7)))

Instantiated PerfSquare; there are now  200 Examples

Task 5: Focusing on PrimeNum

Since PrimeNum has no known Examples, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 6: Working on the promising task (825 PrimeNum Examples ((To properly study
 PrimeNum we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((
CreditTo H7)))

Instantiated PrimeNum; found 78 Examples

Task 7: Focusing on win1

Task 8: Focusing on HindSightRule

Task 9: Focusing on Heuristic

Task 10: Focusing on EvenNum

Since EvenNum has no known Examples, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 11: Working on the promising task (750 EvenNum Examples ((To properly study
 EvenNum we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((
CreditTo H7)))

Instantiated EvenNum; found 200 Examples

Task 12: Focusing on OddNum

Since OddNum has no known Examples, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 13: Working on the promising task (750 OddNum Examples ((To properly study 
OddNum we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((
CreditTo H7)))

Instantiated OddNum; found 200 Examples

Task 14: Focusing on PerfNum

Task 15: Focusing on ProtoConjec

Task 16: Focusing on H5

Task 17: Focusing on H1

Since some specializations of H1 (i.e.,  Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
Task 18: Working on the promising task (703 H1 Specializations (Conjec-1) ((
CreditTo H1)))

H1 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant Applics ThenPrintToUser ThenConjecture ThenAddToAgenda)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 19: Working on the promising task (703 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H3 H1)))

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: Specialize action

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H1, replacing its old value by (a 

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 20: Working on the promising task (702 H1-1 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 21: Working on the promising task (678 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H1 -> H1-1

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (SETQ Agenda (MergeTasks (LIST (LIST (AverageWorths f (QUOTE H1)) f (QUOTE 
SubSlots) (LIST conjec) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE CreditTo) (QUOTE H1))))) Agenda)) (
AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (QUOTE (1 unit must be specialized)))).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 22: Working on the promising task (702 H1-2 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 23: Working on the promising task (678 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenConjecture slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenConjecture) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Inside the ThenConjecture slot, H1 -> H1-2

Specialized the ThenConjecture slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (f
) (SETQ Conjectures (CONS (PROGN (SETQ conjec (NewNam (QUOTE Conjec))) (
CreateUnit conjec (QUOTE ProtoConjec)) (PUT conjec (QUOTE English) (NCONC (LIST 
(QUOTE Specializations) (QUOTE of) f) (APPEND (QUOTE (may be more useful than it
 is, since it has some good instances but many more poor ones))) (LIST (LIST (
Percentify (DIFFERENCE 1.0 Fraction)) (QUOTE are) (QUOTE losers))))) (PUT conjec
 (QUOTE Abbrev) (CONS f (QUOTE (sometimes wins, usually loses, so 
specializations of it may win big)))) (PUT conjec (QUOTE Worth) (FIX (Average (
NearnessTo Fraction .1) (AverageWorths (QUOTE H1-2) f)))) conjec) Conjectures)))

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 24: Working on the promising task (703 H1-3 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 25: Working on the promising task (678 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 9

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (CPRIN1 9 
 conjec : 
Since some specializations of  f   (CONS i.e.,  (Abbrev f)) 
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
) T).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 26: Working on the promising task (703 H1-4 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 27: Working on the promising task (678 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Inside the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot, Applics -> DirectApplics

Specialized the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1, replacing its old value by (
LAMBDA (f) (* check that f has some recorded applications -- which implies, of 
course, that f is an executable/performable entity) (DirectApplics f)).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 28: Working on the promising task (703 H1-5 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 29: Working on the promising task (603 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the Applics
 slot of H1

Task 30: Working on the promising task (339 ProtoConjec Specializations ((H1 
might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed
 for ProtoConjec)) ((CreditTo H6)))

ProtoConjec will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: NIL

A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 31: Working on the promising task (545 ProtoConjec Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for ProtoConjec)) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H3 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the IsA slot of 

Task 32: Working on the promising task (339 English Specializations ((H1 might 
have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for 
English)) ((CreditTo H6)))

English will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (

A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 33: Working on the promising task (496 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the DataType slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange DataType) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the DataType
 slot of English

Task 34: Working on the promising task (420 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H3 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the IsA slot of 

Task 35: Working on the promising task (339 Abbrev Specializations ((H1 might 
have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for 
Abbrev)) ((CreditTo H6)))

Abbrev will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (Worth 
IsA DataType)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of Abbrev; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 36: Working on the promising task (496 Abbrev Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the DataType slot of Abbrev; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for Abbrev)) ((SlotToChange DataType) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the DataType
 slot of Abbrev

Task 37: Working on the promising task (421 Abbrev Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of Abbrev; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for Abbrev)) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the IsA slot of 

Task 38: Working on the promising task (421 Abbrev Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of Abbrev; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for Abbrev)) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Inside the Worth slot, 300 -> 26

Specialized the Worth slot of Abbrev, replacing its old value by 26.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 39: Working on the promising task (420 Abbrev Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of Abbrev; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for Abbrev)) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H3 H6)))

Inside the Worth slot, 300 -> 283

Specialized the Worth slot of Abbrev, replacing its old value by 283.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 40: Working on the promising task (492 Abbrev-2 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 41: Working on the promising task (363 Abbrev-1 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 42: Working on the promising task (339 Worth Specializations ((H1 might 
have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for 
Worth)) ((CreditTo H6)))

Worth will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (Worth IsA

collecting string characters
146, 658 free cells

A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of Worth; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 43: Working on the promising task (496 Worth Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the DataType slot of Worth; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for Worth)) ((SlotToChange DataType) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the DataType
 slot of Worth

Task 44: Working on the promising task (421 Worth Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of Worth; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for Worth)) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the IsA slot of 

Task 45: Working on the promising task (421 Worth Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of Worth; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for Worth)) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Inside the Worth slot, 300 -> 272

Specialized the Worth slot of Worth, replacing its old value by 272.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 46: Working on the promising task (486 Worth-1 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 47: Working on the promising task (420 Worth Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of Worth; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for Worth)) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H3 H6)))

Inside the IsA slot, Slot -> NonCriterialSlot

Specialized the IsA slot of Worth, replacing its old value by (NonCriterialSlot 

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 48: Working on the promising task (500 Worth-2 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 49: Focusing on Conjec-1

Task 50: Focusing on H1-5

Since H1-5 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 51: Working on the promising task (702 H1-5 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-5 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo 

Task 52: Focusing on H1-4

Since H1-4 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 53: Working on the promising task (702 H1-4 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-4 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo 

Task 54: Focusing on H1-3

Since H1-3 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 55: Working on the promising task (702 H1-3 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-3 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo 

Task 56: Focusing on H1-2

Since H1-2 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 57: Working on the promising task (702 H1-2 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-2 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo 

Task 58: Focusing on H1-1

Since H1-1 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 59: Working on the promising task (701 H1-1 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-1 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo 

Task 60: Focusing on H3

Task 61: Focusing on H4

Task 62: Focusing on HAvoid

Since HAvoid has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 63: Working on the promising task (700 HAvoid Applics ((To properly study 
HAvoid we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((
CreditTo H7)))

Task 64: Focusing on H12

Since H12 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 65: Working on the promising task (700 H12 Applics ((To properly study H12 
we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo H7)))

Task 66: Focusing on H2

Since H2 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 67: Working on the promising task (700 H2 Applics ((To properly study H2 we
 must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo H7)))

Task 68: Focusing on H10

Since H10 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 69: Working on the promising task (700 H10 Applics ((To properly study H10 
we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo H7)))

Task 70: Focusing on H11

Since H11 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 71: Working on the promising task (700 H11 Applics ((To properly study H11 
we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo H7)))

Task 72: Focusing on H6

Task 73: Focusing on H7

Since H7 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 74: Working on the promising task (700 H7 Applics ((To properly study H7 we
 must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo H7)))

Task 75: Focusing on H8

Since H8 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 76: Working on the promising task (700 H8 Applics ((To properly study H8 we
 must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo H7)))

Task 77: Focusing on H9

Since H9 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 78: Working on the promising task (700 H9 Applics ((To properly study H9 we
 must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo H7)))

Task 79: Focusing on ThenDeleteOldConcepts

Task 80: Focusing on Alg

Task 81: Focusing on ApplicGenerator

Task 82: Focusing on CompiledDefn

Task 83: Focusing on DataType

Task 84: Focusing on Defn

Task 85: Focusing on Domain

Task 86: Focusing on ElimSlots

Task 87: Focusing on FastAlg

Task 88: Focusing on FastDefn

Task 89: Focusing on Generator

Task 90: Focusing on IfAboutToWorkOnTask

Task 91: Focusing on IfFinishedWorkingOnTask

Task 92: Focusing on IfParts

Task 93: Focusing on IfPotentiallyRelevant

Task 94: Focusing on IfTaskParts

Task 95: Focusing on IfTrulyRelevant

Task 96: Focusing on IfWorkingOnTask

Task 97: Focusing on Inverse

Task 98: Focusing on IterativeAlg

Task 99: Focusing on IterativeDefn

Task 100: Focusing on NonExamples

Task 101: Focusing on RecursiveAlg

Task 102: Focusing on RecursiveDefn

Task 103: Focusing on ThenAddToAgenda

Task 104: Focusing on ThenCompute

Task 105: Focusing on ThenConjecture

Task 106: Focusing on ThenDefineNewConcepts

Task 107: Focusing on ThenModifySlots

Task 108: Focusing on ThenParts

Task 109: Focusing on ThenPrintToUser

Task 110: Focusing on ToDelete

Task 111: Focusing on ToDelete1

Task 112: Focusing on UnitizedAlg

Task 113: Focusing on UnitizedDefn

Task 114: Focusing on Anything

Since Anything has no known Examples, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 115: Working on the promising task (625 Anything Examples ((To properly 
study Anything we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) (
(CreditTo H7)))

Task 116: Working on the promising task (624 AND Applics ((Recent task was 
stymied for lack of such applics; namely, trying to find Examples of Anything)) 
((CreditTo H10)))

Task 117: Working on the promising task (312 Anything Examples ((Had to suspend 
whilst gathering Applics of AND) (To properly study Anything we must gather 
empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo H7)))

Task 118: Working on the promising task (311 BestChoose Applics ((Recent task 
was stymied for lack of such applics; namely, trying to find Examples of 
Anything)) ((CreditTo H10)))
πinterrupted before MEMBER

(MEMBER broken)
*F Kill≠

Kill≠  ?
(FinishedEditing H12)
(KillUnit C)
*0 P
((ILEQ & 175) (SETQ DeletedUnits &) (MAPC & &) (KillUnit C))
((ILEQ (Worth C)
 (SETQ DeletedUnits (CONS C DeletedUnits))
 [MAPC (Examples (QUOTE HindSightRule))
       (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (r)
           (ApplyRule r C ", before we delete it."]
 (KillUnit C))
*0 P
(COND (& & & &))
*0 P
*0 P
*0 P
*0 P
(LAMBDA (task) (SETQ DeletedUnits NIL) (MAPC PosCred &) (AND DeletedUnits &) T)
*-2 PP
[AND DeletedUnits (SETQ TaskResults
       (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE DeletedUnits)
                 (CONS DeletedUnits
                       (QUOTE (because their Worth has fallen so low]
*0 0 P
(IsA (Heuristic Op) English (IF you have just finished a task, and some units 
were created, and one of the creators has the --) IfPotentiallyRelevant NULL 
Worth 700 Abbrev (Kill a concept that leads to lots of garbage) 
IfFinishedWorkingOnTask (LAMBDA & &) ThenPrintToUser (LAMBDA & & & & & T) 
ThenCompute (LAMBDA & &) ThenDeleteOldConcepts (LAMBDA & & & & T))
*10 P
(Kill a concept that leads to lots of garbage)
(LAMBDA (task) (AND & &))
*-1 P
(AND (ASSOC & TaskResults) (SETQ PosCred &))
     (SETQ PosCred
       (SUBSET (SelfIntersect (MapUnion (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE NewUnits)
                                        (FUNCTION Creditors)))
               (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (C)  **COMMENT**  
                   (AND (MEMB C NewU)
                        (IGEQ (LENGTH (Applics C))
                        (EVERY (Applics C)
                               (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (Z)
                                   (AND (LISTP (CADR Z))
                                        (EVERY (CADR Z)
                                               (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (A)
                                                   (NULL (Applics A]
(FinishedEditing H2)
πinterrupted before MEMBER

(MEMBER broken)

   L NIL

   s Set
(LAMBDA (s) (OR & &))

   A Set
(LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))

   MACROF (LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))

   gena NIL
   genf NIL
   gen NIL
   WhenToQuit NIL
   WhenToCheck NIL
   NIt 200
   F (LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))
   u Set

   SELCQ ((LENGTH DomainTests) (0 &) (1 &) (for j from 1 to 100 do &))

   Failed NIL
   Args NIL
   task (311 BestChoose Applics (&) (&))
(LAMBDA (task Args Failed) (* &) (SETQ
(MEMBER broken)

   L NIL

   s Set
(LAMBDA (s) (OR & &))

   A Set
(LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))

   MACROF (LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))

   gena NIL
   genf NIL
   gen NIL
   WhenToQuit NIL
   WhenToCheck NIL
   NIt 200
   F (LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))
   u S
(MEMBER broken)
πinterrupted before MEMBER

(MEMBER broken)

   L NIL

   s Set
(LAMBDA (s) (OR & &))

   A Set
(LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))

   MACROF (LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))

   gena NIL
   genf NIL
   gen NIL
   WhenToQuit NIL
   WhenToCheck NIL
   NIt 200
   F (LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))
   u Set

   SELCQ ((LENGTH DomainTests) (0 &) (1 &) (for j from 1 to 100 do &))

   Failed NIL
   Args NIL
   task (311 BestChoose Applics (&) (&))
(LAMBDA (task Args Failed) (* &) (SETQ DomainTests &) (SELECTQ & & & &) (AND & &

   z (LAMBDA (task Args Failed) (*
(MEMBER broken)
πinterrupted before MEMBER

(MEMBER broken)
   (J broken)
(MEMBER broken)
   (j broken)
(MEMBER broken)
(LAMBDA (s) (OR & &))
(LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))
(LAMBDA (task Args Failed) (* &) (SETQ DomainTests &) (SELECTQ & & & &) (AND & &


   L NIL

   s Set
(LAMBDA (s) (OR & &))

   A Set
(LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))

   MACROF (LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))

   gena NIL
   genf NIL
   gen NIL
   WhenToQuit NIL
   WhenToCheck NIL
   NIt 200
   F (LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))
   u Set

   SELCQ ((LENGTH DomainTests) (0 &) (1 &) (for j from 1 to 100 do &))

   Failed NIL
   Args NIL
   task (311 BestChoose Applics (&) (&))
(LAMBDA (task Args Failed) (* &) (
(MEMBER broken)
loading from <CSD.LENAT>EUR..6

collecting lists
7961, 10009 free cells

  [LAMBDA (u F NIt WhenToCheck WhenToQuit gen genf gena)  **COMMENT**  
    (MAPC (Examples u)
    (AND (SETQ gen (Generator u))
         (SETQ genf (GenBuild gen))
         (SETQ gena (GenArgs gen))
         (OR (FIXP NIt)
             (SETQ NIt 1000))
         [OR (FIXP WhenToCheck)
             (SETQ WhenToCheck (ADD1 (IQUOTIENT NIt 10]
         [OR (FIXP WhenToQuit)
             (SETQ WhenToQuit
               (TIMES CurPri UserImpatience
                      (ADD1 (FIX (PLUS .5 (LOG (MAX 2 (ADD1 Verbosity]
         (SELECTQ (LENGTH gena)
                  [1 (for j from 1 to NIt until (TakingTooLong j WhenToCheck 
                        do [PROGN (APPLY* F (EVAL (CAR gena)))
                                  (SET (CAR gena)
                                       (APPLY* (CAR genf)
                                               (EVAL (CAR gena]
                        first (SET (CAR gena)
                                   (CAR (GenInit gen]
                  (for j from 1 to NIt until (TakingTooLong j WhenToCheck 
                     do [PROGN (APPLYEVAL F gena)
                               (MAP2C gena genf (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (Var Fn)
                                          (SET Var (APPLYEVAL Fn gena]
                     first (MAP2C gena (GenInit gen)
                                  (QUOTE SET])
(LAMBDA (A) (AND (NOT (KnownApplic CurUnit (LIST A))) (APPLY* (CAR DomainTests) 
A) (CPRIN1 62 (QUOTE +)) (UnionProp CurUnit (QUOTE Applics) (LIST (LIST A) (
APPLY* AlgToUse A)))))
:SET(Verbosity 99)
(Verbosity reset)
πinterrupted before MEMBER

(MEMBER broken)
(LAMBDA (s) (OR & &))
(LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))
(LAMBDA (task Args Failed) (* &) (SETQ DomainTests &) (SELECTQ & & & &) (AND & &

loading from <CSD.LENAT>EUR..6
(LAMBDA (L)   **COMMENT**   (COND & &))
*E L
((LAMBDA (L) (* edited: " 7-Mar-81 14:22") (COND ((MEMBER (CAR L) (CDR L)) NIL) 
(T (NoRepeatsIn (CDR L))))))
(COND (& NIL) (T &))
           (CDR L))
  (T (NoRepeatsIn (CDR L]
not changed, so not unsaved

   L NIL

   s Set
(LAMBDA (s) (OR & &))

   A Set
(LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))

   MACROF (LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))

   gena NIL
   genf NIL
   gen NIL
   WhenToQuit NIL
   WhenToCheck NIL
   NIt 200
   F (LAMBDA (A) (AND & & & &))
(MEMBER broken)
(MEMBER broken)
πinterrupted before MEMBER

(MEMBER broken)
(LAMBDA (L)   **COMMENT**   (COND & &))
*-1 P
(COND (& NIL) (T &))
           (CDR LL))
  (T (NoRepeatsIn (CDR LL]
(COND (& NIL) (T &))
*(-2 ((NLISTP L) T]
(COND (& T) (& NIL) (T &))
           (CDR LL))
  (T (NoRepeatsIn (CDR LL]
(L broken)
(L broken)
:RETFROM(NoRepeatsIn T)
(L broken)
   (L broken)
(L broken)


Task 119:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Unlikely (156) that finding 
Examples of Anything will be worthwhile, since: ((Had to suspend whilst 
gathering Applics of BestChoose) (Had to suspend whilst gathering Applics of AND
) (To properly study Anything we must gather empirical data about instances of 
that concept)))
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H10(If C is Range (f) , then Exs (C) can
 be gotten from Applics (f)) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H10 has been applied to (156 Anything Examples ((Had
 to suspend whilst gathering Applics of BestChoose) (Had to suspend whilst 
gathering Applics of AND) (To properly study Anything we must gather empirical 
data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo H7)))

Hmmm... can't proceed with this until some Applics of AND are known.
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H10 was applied to (156 Anything Examples ((Had 
to suspend whilst gathering Applics of BestChoose) (Had to suspend whilst 
gathering Applics of AND) (To properly study Anything we must gather empirical 
data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo H7)))
 but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
 The results of this task were: ((NewTasks (1 task to find Applics of AND and 1 
task just like the current one)))

Task 120:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Unlikely (155) that finding 
Applics of AND will be worthwhile, since: ((Recent task was stymied for lack of 
such applics; namely, trying to find Examples of Anything)))
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H8(Applics (u) may be found amongst 
Applics (Genl (u))) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H8 was applied to (155 AND Applics ((Recent task was
 stymied for lack of such applics; namely, trying to find Examples of Anything))
 ((CreditTo H10))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H11(Applics (f) may be found by running 
Alg (f) on members of u's Domain) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H11 was applied to (155 AND Applics ((Recent task 
was stymied for lack of such applics; namely, trying to find Examples of 
Anything)) ((CreditTo H10))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 121: Focusing on PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H7 didn't hold for PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H8 didn't hold for PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H9 didn't hold for PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H10 didn't hold for PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H11 didn't hold for PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H2 didn't hold for PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H12 didn't hold for PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of HAvoid didn't hold for PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-1 didn't hold for PerfSquare
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-2 didn't hold for PerfSqπuare
interrupted before TERPRI

(TERPRI broken)
:SET(Verbosity 23)
(Verbosity reset)


Task 122: Focusing on PrimeNum

Task 123: Focusing on win1

Task 124: Focusing on HindSightRule

Task 125: Focusing on Heuristic

Task 126: Focusing on EvenNum

Task 127: Focusing on OddNum

Task 128: Focusing on PerfNum

Task 129: Focusing on ProtoConjec

Task 130: Focusing on Conjec-1

Task 131: Focusing on H1-5

Since H1-5 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 132: Working on the promising task (702 H1-5 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-5 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo 

Task 133: Focusing on H1-4

Since H1-4 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 134: Working on the promising task (702 H1-4 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-4 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo 

Task 135: Focusing on H1-3

Since H1-3 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 136: Working on the promising task (702 H1-3 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-3 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo 

Task 137: Focusing on H1

Since some specializations of H1 (i.e.,  Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H1 (i.e.,  Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H1 (i.e.,  Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H1 (i.e.,  Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H1 (i.e.,  Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H1 (i.e.,  Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
Task 138: Working on the promising task (705 H1 Specializations (Conjec-2) ((
CreditTo H1)))

H1 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (Worth Abbrev

A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 139: Working on the promising task (705 H1 Specializations (Conjec-7) ((
CreditTo H1-5)))

H1 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 
IfPotentiallyRelevant IfTrulyRelevant Abbrev ThenPrintToUser ThenConjecture 

A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenConjecture slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 140: Working on the promising task (705 H1 Specializations (Conjec-6) ((
CreditTo H1-4)))

H1 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfTrulyRelevant Worth Applics Abbrev ThenPrintToUser ThenConjecture 
ThenAddToAgenda Specializations)

A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 141: Working on the promising task (705 H1 Specializations (Conjec-5) ((
CreditTo H1-3)))

H1 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
Worth Applics ThenConjecture)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 142: Working on the promising task (705 H1 SubSlots (Conjec-4) ((CreditTo 

collecting string characters
54, 566 free cells

H1 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA Worth 
Applics ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda Specializations)

A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 143: Working on the promising task (704 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-5) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H3 H1-3)))

Inside the Worth slot, 705 -> 291

Specialized the Worth slot of H1, replacing its old value by 291.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 144: Working on the promising task (704 H1 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-4) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H3 H1)))

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, Abbrev -> Abbrev-2

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (CPRIN1 13 
 conjec : 
Since some specializations of  f   (CONS i.e.,  (Abbrev-2 f)) 
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
) T).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 145: Working on the promising task (704 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-6) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H3 H1-4)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the 
ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1

Task 146: Working on the promising task (704 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenConjecture slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-7) ((SlotToChange ThenConjecture) (CreditTo H3 H1-5)))

Inside the ThenConjecture slot, Abbrev -> Abbrev-2

Specialized the ThenConjecture slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (f
) (SETQ Conjectures (CONS (PROGN (SETQ conjec (NewNam (QUOTE Conjec))) (
CreateUnit conjec (QUOTE ProtoConjec)) (PUT conjec (QUOTE English) (NCONC (LIST 
(QUOTE Specializations) (QUOTE of) f) (APPEND (QUOTE (may be more useful than it
 is, since it has some good instances but many more poor ones))) (LIST (LIST (
Percentify (DIFFERENCE 1.0 Fraction)) (QUOTE are) (QUOTE losers))))) (PUT conjec
 (QUOTE Abbrev-2) (CONS f (QUOTE (sometimes wins, usually loses, so 
specializations of it may win big)))) (PUT conjec (QUOTE Worth) (FIX (Average (
NearnessTo Fraction .1) (AverageWorths (QUOTE H1) f)))) conjec) Conjectures))).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 147: Working on the promising task (704 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-2) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H3 H1)))

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: a

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H1, replacing its old value by (Specialize 
sometimes-useful action).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 148: Working on the promising task (704 H1-8 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 149: Working on the promising task (704 H1-9 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 150: Working on the promising task (704 H1 Specializations (Conjec-3) ((
CreditTo H1-1)))

H1 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
IfTrulyRelevant Worth Applics Abbrev ThenPrintToUser ThenConjecture 

A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 151: Working on the promising task (704 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-3) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H3 H1-1)))

Inside the Worth slot, 707 -> 127

Specialized the Worth slot of H1, replacing its old value by 127.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 152: Working on the promising task (703 H1-7 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 153: Working on the promising task (679 H1 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-4) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H1 -> H1-4

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (SETQ Agenda (MergeTasks (LIST (LIST (AverageWorths f (QUOTE H1)) f (QUOTE 
Specializations) (LIST conjec) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE CreditTo) (QUOTE H1-2))))) 
Agenda)) (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (QUOTE (1 unit must be 

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 154: Working on the promising task (704 H1-11 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 155: Working on the promising task (679 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenConjecture slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-5) ((SlotToChange ThenConjecture) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))

Inside the ThenConjecture slot, Worth -> Worth-2

Specialized the ThenConjecture slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (f
) (SETQ Conjectures (CONS (PROGN (SETQ conjec (NewNam (QUOTE Conjec))) (
CreateUnit conjec (QUOTE ProtoConjec)) (PUT conjec (QUOTE English) (NCONC (LIST 
(QUOTE Specializations) (QUOTE of) f) (APPEND (QUOTE (may be more useful than it
 is, since it has some good instances but many more poor ones))) (LIST (LIST (
Percentify (DIFFERENCE 1.0 Fraction)) (QUOTE are) (QUOTE losers))))) (PUT conjec
 (QUOTE Abbrev) (CONS f (QUOTE (sometimes wins, usually loses, so 
specializations of it may win big)))) (PUT conjec (QUOTE Worth-2) (FIX (Average 
(NearnessTo Fraction .1) (AverageWorths (QUOTE H1) f)))) conjec) Conjectures))).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 156: Working on the promising task (705 H1-12 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 157: Working on the promising task (679 H1 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-4) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, Abbrev -> Abbrev-2

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (CPRIN1 13 
 conjec : 
Since some specializations of  f   (CONS i.e.,  (Abbrev-2 f)) 
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
) T).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 158: Working on the promising task (705 H1-13 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 159: Working on the promising task (679 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-6) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1-4)))

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H1 -> H1-6

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (SETQ Agenda (MergeTasks (LIST (LIST (AverageWorths f (QUOTE H1)) f (QUOTE 
SubSlots) (LIST conjec) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE CreditTo) (QUOTE H1))))) Agenda)) (
AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (QUOTE (1 unit must be specialized)))).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 160: Working on the promising task (705 H1-14 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 161: Working on the promising task (679 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenConjecture slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-7) ((SlotToChange ThenConjecture) (CreditTo H5 H1-5)))

collecting lists
4744, 10376 free cells

Inside the ThenConjecture slot, Worth -> Worth-1

Specialized the ThenConjecture slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (f
) (SETQ Conjectures (CONS (PROGN (SETQ conjec (NewNam (QUOTE Conjec))) (
CreateUnit conjec (QUOTE ProtoConjec)) (PUT conjec (QUOTE English) (NCONC (LIST 
(QUOTE Specializations) (QUOTE of) f) (APPEND (QUOTE (may be more useful than it
 is, since it has some good instances but many more poor ones))) (LIST (LIST (
Percentify (DIFFERENCE 1.0 Fraction)) (QUOTE are) (QUOTE losers))))) (PUT conjec
 (QUOTE Abbrev) (CONS f (QUOTE (sometimes wins, usually loses, so 
specializations of it may win big)))) (PUT conjec (QUOTE Worth-1) (FIX (Average 
(NearnessTo Fraction .1) (AverageWorths (QUOTE H1) f)))) conjec) Conjectures))).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 162: Working on the promising task (706 H1-15 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 163: Working on the promising task (679 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenConjecture slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-6) ((SlotToChange ThenConjecture) (CreditTo H5 H1-4)))

Inside the ThenConjecture slot, Abbrev -> Abbrev-1

Specialized the ThenConjecture slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (f
) (SETQ Conjectures (CONS (PROGN (SETQ conjec (NewNam (QUOTE Conjec))) (
CreateUnit conjec (QUOTE ProtoConjec)) (PUT conjec (QUOTE English) (NCONC (LIST 
(QUOTE Specializations) (QUOTE of) f) (APPEND (QUOTE (may be more useful than it
 is, since it has some good instances but many more poor ones))) (LIST (LIST (
Percentify (DIFFERENCE 1.0 Fraction)) (QUOTE are) (QUOTE losers))))) (PUT conjec
 (QUOTE Abbrev-1) (CONS f (QUOTE (sometimes wins, usually loses, so 
specializations of it may win big)))) (PUT conjec (QUOTE Worth) (FIX (Average (
NearnessTo Fraction .1) (AverageWorths (QUOTE H1) f)))) conjec) Conjectures))).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 164: Working on the promising task (706 H1-16 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 165: Working on the promising task (679 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-2) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, Abbrev -> Abbrev-2

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (CPRIN1 13 
 conjec : 
Since some specializations of  f   (CONS i.e.,  (Abbrev-1 f)) 
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
) T).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 166: Working on the promising task (706 H1-17 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 167: Working on the promising task (679 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-6) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1-4)))

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, Abbrev -> Abbrev-1

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (CPRIN1 13 
 conjec : 
Since some specializations of  f   (CONS i.e.,  (Abbrev-1 f)) 
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
) T).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 168: Working on the promising task (706 H1-18 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 169: Working on the promising task (679 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-7) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1-5)))

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, Abbrev -> Abbrev-1

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (CPRIN1 13 
 conjec : 
Since some specializations of  f   (CONS i.e.,  (Abbrev-2 f)) 
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
) T).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 170: Working on the promising task (706 H1-19 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 171: Working on the promising task (679 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-6) ((SlotToChange IfTrulyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1-4)))

Inside the IfTrulyRelevant slot, Applics -> IndirectApplics

Specialized the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (* check that some Applics of f have high Worth, but most have low Worth-2) (
* the extent to which those conditions are met will determine the amount of 
energy to expend working on applying this rule -- its overall relevancy) (AND (
SOME (Applics f) (QUOTE (LAMBDA (a) (* this will have the format (args results))
 (SOME (CADR a) (QUOTE HasHighWorth))))) (GREATERP .2 (SETQ Fraction (FractionOf
 (MapUnion (IndirectApplics f) (QUOTE CADR)) (QUOTE HasHighWorth)))))).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 172: Working on the promising task (706 H1-20 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 173: Working on the promising task (679 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-7) ((SlotToChange IfTrulyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1-5)))

Inside the IfTrulyRelevant slot, Worth -> Worth-1

Specialized the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (* check that some Applics of f have high Worth, but most have low Worth-2) (
* the extent to which those conditions are met will determine the amount of 
energy to expend working on applying this rule -- its overall relevancy) (AND (
SOME (Applics f) (QUOTE (LAMBDA (a) (* this will have the format (args results))
 (SOME (CADR a) (QUOTE HasHighWorth))))) (GREATERP .2 (SETQ Fraction (FractionOf
 (MapUnion (Applics f) (QUOTE CADR)) (QUOTE HasHighWorth)))))).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 174: Working on the promising task (706 H1-21 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 175: Working on the promising task (679 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-7) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1-5)))

Inside the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot, Applics -> IndirectApplics

Specialized the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1, replacing its old value by (
LAMBDA (f) (* check that f has some recorded applications -- which implies, of 
course, that f is an executable/performable entity) (IndirectApplics f)).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 176: Working on the promising task (706 H1-22 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 177: Working on the promising task (678 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenConjecture slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-3) ((SlotToChange ThenConjecture) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the 
ThenConjecture slot of H1

Task 178: Working on the promising task (678 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-3) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

collecting lists
6814, 10398 free cells

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, Abbrev -> Abbrev-2

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (CPRIN1 13 
 conjec : 
Since some specializations of  f   (CONS i.e.,  (Abbrev-1 f)) 
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
) T).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 179: Working on the promising task (707 H1-23 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 180: Working on the promising task (678 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-3) ((SlotToChange IfTrulyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

Inside the IfTrulyRelevant slot, Applics -> IndirectApplics

Specialized the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (* check that some IndirectApplics of f have high Worth, but most have low 
Worth) (* the extent to which those conditions are met will determine the amount
 of energy to expend working on applying this rule -- its overall relevancy) (
AND (SOME (IndirectApplics f) (QUOTE (LAMBDA (a) (* this will have the format (
args results)) (SOME (CADR a) (QUOTE HasHighWorth))))) (GREATERP .2 (SETQ 
Fraction (FractionOf (MapUnion (IndirectApplics f) (QUOTE CADR)) (QUOTE 

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 181: Working on the promising task (707 H1-24 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 182: Working on the promising task (605 H1 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-4) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Inside the Specializations slot, H1-24 -> H1-22

Specialized the Specializations slot of H1, replacing its old value by (H1-1 
H1-2 H1-2 H1-3 H1-2 H1-3 H1-5 H1-3 H1-9 H1-3 H1-4 H1-11 H1-4 H1-13 H1-15 H1-16 
H1-5 H1-18 H1-19 H1-8 H1-16 H1-16 H1-10 H1-22).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 183: Working on the promising task (707 H1-25 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 184: Working on the promising task (605 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-3) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

Inside the Specializations slot, H1-25 -> H1-18

Specialized the Specializations slot of H1, replacing its old value by (H1-1 
H1-2 H1-1 H1-2 H1-5 H1-1 H1-7 H1-8 H1-8 H1-10 H1-8 H1-12 H1-13 H1-14 H1-15 H1-16
 H1-17 H1-12 H1-10 H1-10 H1-20 H1-12 H1-10 H1-17 H1-18).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 185: Working on the promising task (707 H1-26 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 186: Working on the promising task (605 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-5) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the Applics
 slot of H1

Task 187: Working on the promising task (605 H1 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-4) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the Applics
 slot of H1

Task 188: Working on the promising task (605 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-6) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1-4)))

Inside the Specializations slot, H1-26 -> H1-7

Specialized the Specializations slot of H1, replacing its old value by (H1-1 
H1-1 H1-3 H1-4 H1-2 H1-6 H1-7 H1-8 H1-3 H1-10 H1-9 H1-4 H1-1 H1-2 H1-11 H1-3 
H1-10 H1-18 H1-1 H1-7 H1-21 H1-2 H1-18 H1-24 H1-8 H1-7).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 189: Working on the promising task (707 H1-27 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 190: Working on the promising task (605 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-7) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1-5)))

Inside the Specializations slot, H1-25 -> H1-8

Specialized the Specializations slot of H1, replacing its old value by (H1-1 
H1-2 H1-1 H1-3 H1-5 H1-2 H1-7 H1-7 H1-2 H1-10 H1-11 H1-12 H1-13 H1-12 H1-4 H1-2 
H1-17 H1-18 H1-2 H1-1 H1-21 H1-22 H1-23 H1-24 H1-8 H1-26 H1-27).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 191: Working on the promising task (707 H1-28 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 192: Working on the promising task (605 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-6) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5 H1-4)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the Applics
 slot of H1

Task 193: Working on the promising task (604 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-3) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: action

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H1, replacing its old value by (Specialize a 

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 194: Working on the promising task (707 H1-29 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 195: Working on the promising task (604 H1 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-4) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Inside the IsA slot, Heuristic -> HindSightRule

collecting lists
6584, 10168 free cells

Specialized the IsA slot of H1, replacing its old value by (HindSightRule Op).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 196: Working on the promising task (707 H1-30 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 197: Working on the promising task (604 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-3) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the Applics
 slot of H1

Task 198: Working on the promising task (604 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-5) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))

Inside the IsA slot, Op -> Pred

Specialized the IsA slot of H1, replacing its old value by (Heuristic Pred).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 199: Working on the promising task (707 H1-31 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 200: Working on the promising task (604 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-3) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

Inside the Worth slot, 713 -> 552

Specialized the Worth slot of H1, replacing its old value by 552.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 201: Working on the promising task (626 H1-32 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 202: Working on the promising task (604 H1 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-4) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Inside the Worth slot, 713 -> 430

collecting string characters
115, 627 free cells

Specialized the Worth slot of H1, replacing its old value by 430.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 203: Working on the promising task (604 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-2) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: sometimes-useful

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H1, replacing its old value by (Specialize a 

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 204: Working on the promising task (707 H1-34 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 205: Working on the promising task (604 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-5) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))

Inside the Worth slot, 713 -> 573

Specialized the Worth slot of H1, replacing its old value by 573.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 206: Working on the promising task (637 H1-35 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 207: Working on the promising task (604 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-6) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1-4)))

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: a sometimes-useful action

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H1, replacing its old value by (Specialize).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 208: Working on the promising task (707 H1-36 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 209: Working on the promising task (604 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the English slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-5) ((SlotToChange English) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))

Inside the English slot, Eliminated: of performing only useful , THEN creating 
new f

Specialized the English slot of H1, replacing its old value by (IF the results f
 are occasionally consider specializations of).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 210: Working on the promising task (707 H1-37 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 211: Working on the promising task (604 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-7) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1-5)))

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: a sometimes-useful

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H1, replacing its old value by (Specialize action

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 212: Working on the promising task (707 H1-38 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 213: Working on the promising task (604 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-6) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5 H1-4)))

Inside the Worth slot, 713 -> 448

collecting lists
6135, 10231 free cells

Specialized the Worth slot of H1, replacing its old value by 448.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 214: Working on the promising task (604 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-2) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Inside the Worth slot, 713 -> 323

Specialized the Worth slot of H1, replacing its old value by 323.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 215: Working on the promising task (604 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-7) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H5 H1-5)))

Inside the IsA slot, Op -> UnitOp

Specialized the IsA slot of H1, replacing its old value by (HindSightRule UnitOp

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 216: Working on the promising task (707 H1-41 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 217: Working on the promising task (603 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the English slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-3) ((SlotToChange English) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

Inside the English slot, Eliminated: IF f are only occasionally useful , 
creating new of

Specialized the English slot of H1, replacing its old value by (the results of 
performing THEN consider specializations f).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 218: Working on the promising task (707 H1-42 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 219: Working on the promising task (574 H1-39 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 220: Working on the promising task (565 H1-33 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 221: Working on the promising task (512 H1-40 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 222: Working on the promising task (496 H1-6 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 223: Working on the promising task (414 H1-10 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 224: Working on the promising task (352 ProtoConjec Specializations ((H1 
might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed
 for ProtoConjec)) ((CreditTo H6)))

ProtoConjec will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (

A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 225: Working on the promising task (552 ProtoConjec Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for ProtoConjec)) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H3 H6)))

Inside the Worth slot, 800 -> 37

Specialized the Worth slot of ProtoConjec, replacing its old value by 37.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 226: Working on the promising task (429 ProtoConjec Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for ProtoConjec)) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Inside the Worth slot, 800 -> 392

Specialized the Worth slot of ProtoConjec, replacing its old value by 392.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 227: Working on the promising task (546 ProtoConjec-2 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 228: Working on the promising task (369 ProtoConjec-1 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 229: Working on the promising task (352 English Specializations ((H1 might 
have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for 
English)) ((CreditTo H6)))

English will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 

A new unit will be created by specializing the DataType slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 230: Working on the promising task (502 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the DataType slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange DataType) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the DataType
 slot of English

Task 231: Working on the promising task (427 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the DataType slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange DataType) (CreditTo H3 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the DataType
 slot of English

Task 232: Working on the promising task (427 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the IsA slot of 

Task 233: Working on the promising task (339 ProtoConjec Specializations ((H1 
might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed
 for ProtoConjec)) ((CreditTo H6)))

ProtoConjec will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA

A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 234: Working on the promising task (545 ProtoConjec Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for ProtoConjec)) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H3 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the 
Specializations slot of ProtoConjec

Task 235: Working on the promising task (421 ProtoConjec Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for ProtoConjec)) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the IsA slot of 

Task 236: Working on the promising task (339 ProtoConjec Specializations ((H1 
might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed
 for ProtoConjec)) ((CreditTo H6)))

ProtoConjec will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (

A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 237: Working on the promising task (545 ProtoConjec Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for ProtoConjec)) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H3 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the IsA slot of 

Task 238: Working on the promising task (424 ProtoConjec Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for ProtoConjec)) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Inside the Specializations slot, ProtoConjec-2 -> ProtoConjec-1

Specialized the Specializations slot of ProtoConjec, replacing its old value by 
(ProtoConjec-1 ProtoConjec-1).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 239: Working on the promising task (750 ProtoConjec-3 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 240: Working on the promising task (339 English Specializations ((H1 might 
have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for 
English)) ((CreditTo H6)))

English will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA)

A new unit will be created by specializing the DataType slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 241: Working on the promising task (421 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the IsA slot of 

Task 242: Working on the promising task (420 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the DataType slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange DataType) (CreditTo H3 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the DataType
 slot of English

Task 243: Working on the promising task (339 ProtoConjec Specializations ((H1 
might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed
 for ProtoConjec)) ((CreditTo H6)))

ProtoConjec will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (

A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 244: Working on the promising task (545 ProtoConjec Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for ProtoConjec)) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H3 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the IsA slot of 

Task 245: Working on the promising task (424 ProtoConjec Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for ProtoConjec)) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Inside the Specializations slot, ProtoConjec-3 -> ProtoConjec-1

Specialized the Specializations slot of ProtoConjec, replacing its old value by 
(ProtoConjec-1 ProtoConjec-1 ProtoConjec-1).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 246: Working on the promising task (750 ProtoConjec-4 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 247: Working on the promising task (339 English Specializations ((H1 might 
have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for 
English)) ((CreditTo H6)))

English will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (Worth 
IsA DataType)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 248: Working on the promising task (496 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the DataType slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange DataType) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the DataType
 slot of English

Task 249: Working on the promising task (423 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Inside the Worth slot, 300 -> 269

Specialized the Worth slot of English, replacing its old value by 269.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 250: Working on the promising task (485 English-1 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 251: Working on the promising task (421 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the IsA slot of 

Task 252: Working on the promising task (420 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H3 H6)))

Inside the Worth slot, 300 -> 210

Specialized the Worth slot of English, replacing its old value by 210.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 253: Working on the promising task (455 English-2 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 254: Working on the promising task (339 ProtoConjec Specializations ((H1 
might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed
 for ProtoConjec)) ((CreditTo H6)))

ProtoConjec will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (

A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 255: Working on the promising task (545 ProtoConjec Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for ProtoConjec)) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H3 H6)))

Inside the Specializations slot, ProtoConjec-3 -> ProtoConjec-1

Specialized the Specializations slot of ProtoConjec, replacing its old value by 
(ProtoConjec-1 ProtoConjec-1 ProtoConjec-1 ProtoConjec-4).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 256: Working on the promising task (750 ProtoConjec-5 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 257: Working on the promising task (423 ProtoConjec Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of ProtoConjec; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for ProtoConjec)) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Inside the Worth slot, 800 -> 105

Specialized the Worth slot of ProtoConjec, replacing its old value by 105.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 258: Working on the promising task (403 ProtoConjec-6 Examples (
πAfter a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo 
                                Agenda length = 2

Task 259: Working on the promising task (339 English Specializations ((H1 might 
have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for 
English)) ((CreditTo H6)))

collecting string characters
π221, 733 free cells

                                61 newly synthesized units

English will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (Worth 
DataType Specializations)

A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 260: Working on the promising task (496 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the DataType slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange DataType) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the DataType
 slot of English

Task 261: Working on the promising task (424 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the 
Specializations slot of English

Task 262: Working on the promising task (423 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Inside the Worth slot, 300 -> 28

Specialized the Worth slot of English, replacing its old value by 28.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 263: Working on the promising task (420 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H3 H6)))

Inside the IsA slot, Slot -> NonCriterialSlot

Specialized the IsA slot of English, replacing its old value by (
NonCriterialSlot NonCriterialSlot).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 264: Working on the promising task (500 English-4 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 265: Working on the promising task (364 English-3 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 266: Working on the promising task (339 English Specializations ((H1 might 
have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for 
English)) ((CreditTo H6)))

English will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 

A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 267: Working on the promising task (424 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Inside the Specializations slot, English-3 -> English-2

Specialized the Specializations slot of English, replacing its old value by (
English-1 English-2 English-2 English-4).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 268: Working on the promising task (500 English-5 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 269: Working on the promising task (421 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H5 H6)))

Inside the IsA slot, Slot -> NonCriterialSlot

Specialized the IsA slot of English, replacing its old value by (
NonCriterialSlot NonCriterialSlot).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 270: Working on the promising task (500 English-6 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 271: Working on the promising task (420 English Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of English; that slot was chosen randomly.
(H1 might have been specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had 
existed for English)) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H3 H6)))

Inside the Specializations slot, English-6 -> English-4

Specialized the Specializations slot of English, replacing its old value by (
English-1 English-1 English-2 English-4 English-2 English-4).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 272: Working on the promising task (500 English-7 Examples (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 273: Focusing on Conjec-7

Task 274: Focusing on Conjec-6

Task 275: Focusing on Conjec-2

Task 276: Focusing on Conjec-5

Task 277: Focusing on Conjec-4

Task 278: Focusing on Conjec-3

Task 279: Focusing on ProtoConjec-5

Task 280: Focusing on ProtoConjec-4

Task 281: Focusing on ProtoConjec-3

Task 282: Focusing on H1-42

Since H1-42 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 283: Working on the promising task (706 H1-42 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-42 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 284: Focusing on H1-41

Task 285: Focusing on H1-38

Since H1-38 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 286: Working on the promising task (706 H1-38 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-38 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 287: Focusing on H1-37

Since H1-37 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 288: Working on the promising task (706 H1-37 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-37 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 289: Focusing on H1-36

Since H1-36 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 290: Working on the promising task (706 H1-36 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-36 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 291: Focusing on H1-34

Since H1-34 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 292: Working on the promising task (706 H1-34 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-34 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 293: Focusing on H1-31

Task 294: Focusing on H1-30

Since H1-30 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 295: Working on the promising task (706 H1-30 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-30 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 296: Focusing on H1-29

Since H1-29 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 297: Working on the promising task (706 H1-29 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-29 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 298: Focusing on H1-28

Since H1-28 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 299: Working on the promising task (706 H1-28 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-28 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 300: Focusing on H1-27

Since H1-27 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 301: Working on the promising task (706 H1-27 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-27 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 302: Focusing on H1-26

Since H1-26 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 303: Working on the promising task (706 H1-26 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-26 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 304: Focusing on H1-25

Since H1-25 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 305: Working on the promising task (706 H1-25 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-25 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 306: Focusing on H1-24

Since H1-24 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 307: Working on the promising task (706 H1-24 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-24 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 308: Focusing on H1-23

Since H1-23 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 309: Working on the promising task (706 H1-23 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-23 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 310: Focusing on H1-22

Since H1-22 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 311: Working on the promising task (706 H1-22 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-22 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 312: Focusing on H1-21

Since H1-21 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 313: Working on the promising task (706 H1-21 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-21 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 314: Focusing on H1-20

Since H1-20 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 315: Working on the promising task (706 H1-20 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-20 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 316: Focusing on H1-19

Since H1-19 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 317: Working on the promising task (706 H1-19 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-19 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 318: Focusing on H1-18

Since H1-18 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 319: Working on the promising task (706 H1-18 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-18 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 320: Focusing on H1-17

Since H1-17 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 321: Working on the promising task (706 H1-17 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-17 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 322: Focusing on H1-16

Since H1-16 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 323: Working on the promising task (706 H1-16 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-16 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 324: Focusing on H1-15

Since H1-15 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 325: Working on the promising task (705 H1-15 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-15 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 326: Focusing on H1-14

Since H1-14 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 327: Working on the promising task (705 H1-14 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-14 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 328: Focusing on H1-13

Since H1-13 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 329: Working on the promising task (704 H1-13 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-13 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 330: Focusing on H1-12

Since H1-12 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 331: Working on the promising task (704 H1-12 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-12 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 332: Focusing on H1-11

Since H1-11 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 333: Working on the promising task (704 H1-11 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-11 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo

Task 334: Focusing on H1-9

Since H1-9 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 335: Working on the promising task (703 H1-9 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-9 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo 

Task 336: Focusing on H1-8

Since H1-8 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 337: Working on the promising task (703 H1-8 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-8 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo 

Task 338: Focusing on H1-7

Since H1-7 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 339: Working on the promising task (702 H1-7 Applics ((To properly study 
H1-7 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)) ((CreditTo 

collecting lists
7659, 10219 free cells

Task 340: Focusing on H5

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
(Abbrev-2 broken)
(Abbrev-2 (u) NIL)
f = H5
Abbrev-2 evaluated
:(Abbrev-2 f)

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e., )
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e., )
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 


Since some specializations of H5 (i.e., )
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 


Since some specializations of H5 (i.e., )
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e., )
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. π
interrupted before PACK*

(PACK* broken)
(Abbrev-1 (u) NIL)

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e., )
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

collecting floating numbers
502, 1014 free cells, 40 pages left

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
Task 341: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-8) ((
CreditTo H1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA Worth 
IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 342: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-49) ((
CreditTo H1-42)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (Worth 
Applics ThenPrintToUser ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 343: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-48) ((
CreditTo H1-41)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 344: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-45) ((
CreditTo H1-38)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 

A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 345: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-44) ((
CreditTo H1-37)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Applics IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda 

A new unit will be created by specializing the English slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 346: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-43) ((
CreditTo H1-36)))

collecting string characters
42, 554 free cells, 39 pages left

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Abbrev ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 347: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-41) ((
CreditTo H1-34)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA Applics 
IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 348: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-38) ((
CreditTo H1-31)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser 

A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 349: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-37) ((
CreditTo H1-30)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 
IfPotentiallyRelevant IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda)

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 38 pages left

A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 350: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-36) ((
CreditTo H1-29)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 351: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-35) ((
CreditTo H1-28)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
Applics ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 352: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-34) ((
CreditTo H1-27)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
Worth Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask)

A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 353: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-33) ((
CreditTo H1-26)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Abbrev ThenPrintToUser ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 354: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-32) ((
CreditTo H1-25)))

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 37 pages left

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
Worth Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 355: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-31) ((
CreditTo H1-23)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Abbrev ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 356: Working on the promising task (709 H5 SubSlots (Conjec-22) ((CreditTo 

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 357: Working on the promising task (709 H5 Specializations (Conjec-19) ((
CreditTo H1-2)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 358: Working on the promising task (709 H5 SubSlots (Conjec-10) ((CreditTo 

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 36 pages left

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
Worth Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the English slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 359: Working on the promising task (708 H5 Specializations (Conjec-30) ((
CreditTo H1-22)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 360: Working on the promising task (708 H5 Specializations (Conjec-29) ((
CreditTo H1-21)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA Applics 
Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser)

A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 361: Working on the promising task (708 H5 Specializations (Conjec-28) ((
CreditTo H1-20)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant Applics IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 35 pages left

A new unit will be created by specializing the English slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 362: Working on the promising task (708 H5 Specializations (Conjec-27) ((
CreditTo H1-19)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 363: Working on the promising task (708 H5 Specializations (Conjec-26) ((
CreditTo H1-18)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (Abbrev 
ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda)

A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 364: Working on the promising task (708 H5 Specializations (Conjec-25) ((
CreditTo H1-17)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda)

A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 365: Working on the promising task (708 H5 Specializations (Conjec-24) ((
CreditTo H1-16)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA Abbrev 
IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 366: Working on the promising task (708 H5 Specializations (Conjec-23) ((
CreditTo H1-15)))

collecting string characters
ππ0, 512 free cells, 33 pages left

                                108 newly synthesized units

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser 
ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 367: Working on the promising task (707 H5 Specializations (Conjec-21) ((
CreditTo H1-13)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Abbrev ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 368: Working on the promising task (707 H5 Specializations (Conjec-20) ((
CreditTo H1-12)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

Task 369: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-23) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H3 H1-15)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the ThenCompute
 slot of H5

Task 370: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-24) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H3 H1-16)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the 
IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5

Task 371: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-25) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H3 H1-17)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the ThenCompute
 slot of H5

Task 372: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-26) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H3 H1-18)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the IsA slot of 

Task 373: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be createdπ by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-27) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H3 H1-19)))
interrupted before TERPRI

(TERPRI broken)


Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the 
ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5

(WorkOnTask broken)

Task 374: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the English slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-28) ((SlotToChange English) (CreditTo H3 H1-20)))

Inside the English slot, Eliminated: IF the specialize specific slot has been 
the one changed, THEN randomly select which slots

Specialized the English slot of H5, replacing its old value by (current task is 
to a unit, and no chosen to be to specialize).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 


(WorkOnTask broken)
task = (706 H5 Specializations (
"A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly."
Conjec-29) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H3 H1-21)))
ArgU = NIL
TaskResults = NIL

Task 375: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-29) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H3 H1-21)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the ThenCompute
 slot of H5
WorkOnTask evaluated

Task 376: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-29) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H3 H1-21)))

Inside the ThenCompute slot, RandomSubset -> GoodSubset

Specialized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (task
) (SETQ SlotsToChange (BestSubset (SetIntersect (SlotNames CurUnit) (Examples (
QUOTE Slot))))) (SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup))) T).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

WorkOnTask evaluated

Task 377: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-29) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H3 H1-21)))

Inside the ThenCompute slot, Slot -> CriterialSlot

collecting lists
3950, 10094 free cells, 21 pages left

Specialized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (task
) (SETQ SlotsToChange (BestSubset (SetIntersect (SlotNames CurUnit) (Examples (
QUOTE Slot))))) (SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup))) T).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

WorkOnTask evaluated

Task 378: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-29) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H3 H1-21)))

Inside the ThenCompute slot, RandomSubset -> GoodSubset

Specialized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (task
) (SETQ SlotsToChange (BestSubset (SetIntersect (SlotNames CurUnit) (Examples (
QUOTE Slot))))) (SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup))) T).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

WorkOnTask evaluated

Task 379: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-29) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H3 H1-21)))

Inside the ThenCompute slot, Slot -> NonCriterialSlot

Specialized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (task
) (SETQ SlotsToChange (GoodSubset (SetIntersect (SlotNames CurUnit) (Examples (
QUOTE Slot))))) (SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup))) T).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

WorkOnTask evaluated

(WorkOnTask broken)

Task 380: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-30) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H3 H1-22)))

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H5 -> H5-5

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
task) (SETQ Agenda (MergeTasks (SORT (MAPCAR SlotsToChange (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (S)
 (LIST (Average CurPri (AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5-4))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (
SETQ NewReason (CONCAT A new unit will be created by specializing the  S 
 slot of  CurUnit ; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (
QUOTE SlotToChange) S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) (
QUOTE OrderTasks)) Agenda)) (SETQ TaskResults (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE 
NewTasks) (LIST (LENGTH SlotsToChange) (QUOTE specific) (QUOTE slots) (QUOTE of)
 CurUnit (QUOTE to) (QUOTE find) CurSlot (QUOTE of))))).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 


Task 381: Working on the promising task (706 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the English slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-10) ((SlotToChange English) (CreditTo H3 H1)))

Inside the English slot, Eliminated: current to specialize and no specific 
chosen to be the THEN randomly which to

Specialized the English slot of H5, replacing its old value by (IF the task is a
 unit, slot has been one changed, select slots specialize).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 382: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-19) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H3 H1-2)))

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: u by specializing random slots

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H5, replacing its old value by (Specialize some).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 383: Working on the promising task (706 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-22) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H3 H1)))

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: Specialize u by specializing random

collecting lists
8565, 10101 free cells, 18 pages left

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H5, replacing its old value by (some slots).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 384: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-31) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H3 H1-23)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the Applics
 slot of H5

Task 385: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-32) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H3 H1-25)))

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 2

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
task) (CPRIN1 2 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 386: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-33) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H3 H1-26)))

Inside the Worth slot, 706 -> 334

Specialized the Worth slot of H5, replacing its old value by 334.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 387: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-34) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H3 H1-27)))

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 10

collecting string characters
116, 628 free cells, 17 pages left

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
task) (CPRIN1 10 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 388: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-35) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H3 H1-28)))

Inside the Worth slot, 706 -> 231

Specialized the Worth slot of H5, replacing its old value by 231.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 389: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-36) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H3 H1-29)))

Inside the Worth slot, 706 -> 318

Specialized the Worth slot of H5, replacing its old value by 318.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 390: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-37) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H3 H1-30)))

Inside the ThenCompute slot, Slot -> NonCriterialSlot

Specialized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (task
) (SETQ SlotsToChange (RandomSubset (SetIntersect (SlotNames CurUnit) (Examples 
(QUOTE NonCriterialSlot))))) (SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup)
)) T).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 391: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-38) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H3 H1-31)))

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 11

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
task) (CPRIN1 11 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 392: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-41) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H3 H1-34)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the 
IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5

Task 393: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-43) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H3 H1-36)))

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: by some slots

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H5, replacing its old value by (Specialize u 
specializing random).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 394: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the English slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-44) ((SlotToChange English) (CreditTo H3 H1-37)))

Inside the English slot, Eliminated: IF current task is to specific been chosen 
to randomly which slots to specialize

collecting lists
7213, 10285 free cells, 10 pages left

Specialized the English slot of H5, replacing its old value by (the specialize a
 unit, and no slot has be the one changed, THEN select).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 395: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-45) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H3 H1-38)))

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H5 -> H5-12

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
task) (SETQ Agenda (MergeTasks (SORT (MAPCAR SlotsToChange (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (S)
 (LIST (Average CurPri (AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5-5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (
SETQ NewReason (CONCAT A new unit will be created by specializing the  S 
 slot of  CurUnit ; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (
QUOTE SlotToChange) S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) (
QUOTE OrderTasks)) Agenda)) (SETQ TaskResults (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE 
NewTasks) (LIST (LENGTH SlotsToChange) (QUOTE specific) (QUOTE slots) (QUOTE of)
 CurUnit (QUOTE to) (QUOTE find) CurSlot (QUOTE of))))).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 396: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-48) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H3 H1-41)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the Applics
 slot of H5

Task 397: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-49) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H3 H1-42)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the Applics
 slot of H5

Task 398: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-8) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H3 H1)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the Applics
 slot of H5

Task 399: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (Conjec-17) ((
CreditTo H1-9)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
Worth IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (Applics 
Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda IfAboutToWorkOnTask 
ThenCompute Specializations Abbrev Worth)

collecting string characters
78, 590 free cells, 9 pages left

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda IfAboutToWorkOnTask 
ThenCompute Specializations Abbrev Worth Applics IsA English)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda IfAboutToWorkOnTask 
ThenCompute Specializations Abbrev Worth Applics IsA English)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: NIL

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
Applics IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser ThenCompute Specializations)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
Worth Applics Abbrev ThenCompute)

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 8 pages left

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser 
ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute Specializations)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (Abbrev 
IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda Specializations)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA Worth)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
Worth Applics IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Applics)

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 7 pages left

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Applics IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA Applics 
Abbrev Specializations)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
Worth Abbrev ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Applics ThenAddToAgenda)

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 6 pages left
πinterrupted before LIST

(LIST broken)

 TYPE                             USED    ASSIGNED SYSTEM
ARRAYP      arrays                9584    11264    15872
STACK       stack, swap buffer    14848   14848    44032
SWPARRAYP   swap array handles    123     512      1024
STACKP      stack pointers        101     512      512
GC.BTAB     gc bittable           4096    4096     0
ATOM.HASH   atom hash table       0       0        8192
LISTP       lists                 61675   70656    24064
VCELLP      value cells           202     1024     1536
LITATOM     atoms                 3378    4096     16896
FLOATP      floating numbers      9       1024     512
FIXP        large numbers         525     2560     1024
STRINGP     string pointers       946     1536     1536
ATOM.CHARS  atom name characters  2481    2560     11776
STRING.CHARS string characters    8705    9216     4096
        SUM (6 pages left)        106673  123904   131072

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda)

Task 400: Working on the promising task (706 H5 Specializations (Conjec-16) ((
CreditTo H1-8)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Applics IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenCompute)

A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Abbrev Specializations)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda IfAboutToWorkOnTask 
ThenCompute Specializations Abbrev)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant ThenPrintToUser)

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 5 pages left

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda IfAboutToWorkOnTask)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
Worth Applics Abbrev ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (Applics 
Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenCompute Specializations)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (Worth 
IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser ThenCompute)

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 4 pages left

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser 

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
Worth Applics ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 
IfPotentiallyRelevant ThenCompute)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser ThenCompute)

collecting string characters
π0, 512 free cells, 3 pages left
interrupted before CONS

(CONS broken)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
Applics ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Applics ThenPrintToUser ThenCompute)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
Worth Applics ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenCompute)

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 2 pages left

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Abbrev ThenPrintToUser ThenCompute)

(WorkOnTask broken)
task = (705 H5 Specializations (
"A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly."
Conjec-17) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H3 H1-9)))
ArgU = NIL
TaskResults = NIL

                                Agenda length = 389


                                127 newly synthesized units

:FILES?) be dumped.

 TYPE                             USED    ASSIGNED SYSTEM
ARRAYP      arrays                9584    11264    15872
STACK       stack, swap buffer    14848   14848    44032
SWPARRAYP   swap array handles    123     512      1024
STACKP      stack pointers        101     512      512
GC.BTAB     gc bittable           4096    4096     0
ATOM.HASH   atom hash table       0       0        8192
LISTP       lists                 63738   70656    24064
VCELLP      value cells           202     1024     1536
LITATOM     atoms                 3381    4096     16896
FLOATP      floating numbers      9       1024     512
FIXP        large numbers         553     2560     1024
STRINGP     string pointers       1047    1536     1536
ATOM.CHARS  atom name characters  2503    2560     11776
STRING.CHARS string characters    10795   11264    4096
        SUM (2 pages left)        110980  125952   131072